You’re Invited to attend the Stanpac Career Open House!
Where: Stanpac Corporate Office, 2790 Thompson Road, Smithville Ontario
- Thursday January 10, 2019 from 3-7pm
- Saturday January 12, 2019 from 10am-2pm
Why travel out of Niagara when you can work local! Save money on gas, spend your commute time with family or enjoy more leisure
activities. Come visit some good people who make great packaging during our upcoming Open House Events. Discover our culture, see what we make and how we make it. Fill out an application, have an interview and sign up to hear about future opportunities.
Current Stanpac Career Positions Available:
- Machine Operators
- Machine Controls Technician
- Order Packers
- Mechanics
- Information Technology
- Future Opportunities include: Engineering, Graphics, Customer Service, Shipping, Administration
If you have any questions, please contact us.